WECO Filter Installation Services

While many WECO water filtration systems can be installed with simple plumbing tools, we realize not everyone has the time or skills to tackle home or commercial plumbing projects. We’ve made installation of your WECO water filtration system as easy as a phone call. WECO has partnered with Grand Water to install and maintain your water filtration system.
How many times have you heard friends and neighbors express frustration when looking for a qualified plumbing contractor? You can relax! Grand Water’s plumbing installation professionals are local, licensed, insured and undergo a thorough background-check process. The professional installers are rigorously screened to ensure they have the skills and background to complete the installation project. Here are just a few of the installation services these plumbing professionals can provide:

Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water Purifier Installation
Installing and servicing undersink and countertop reverse osmosis water filtration systems for drinking water, troubleshooting water pressure problems, installing pumps, cartridge and membrane replacements, Sani RO cleaner maintenance, alkaline filter additions, connecting refrigerators and ice makers and more specialized work provided.
Reverse Osmosis Water Systems
Residential and Commercial Water Softener Installation
Schedule free site inspections for installation estimates. Water hardness results provided on site. Installation estimates provided based on proximity to water and drain lines and electrical outlets, pipe size, concrete trenching requirements, under the house plumbing requirements and other considerations as determined by our technicians.
We install salt free anti scalant units before tankless water heaters to increase life of heating elements.

Water Sample Testing and Laboratory Analysis
Our trained technicians can provide on site testing of pH, chlorine, water hardness, total dissolved solids (TDS) content in your water. We can also collect water samples for an in depth water analysis from a testing laboratory that includes the test parameters you desire.Standard laboratory test package includes following parameters