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PureT IL-10SC-AK-EZ14, Remineralization Alkaline Water Filter - 2" X 10" Alka Plus Water Filter for RO Systems - Raises PH and adds Vital Minerals, Easy 1/4" EZ Connect System

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Price: $55.99
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2 - 24 Price: $53.19
25+ Price: $47.59
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  • RAISES PH & MINERALIZES - This filter media is designed to raise PH and remineralize water. The filter adds calcium, magnesium, potassium, and other essential minerals to drinking water. Alkaline water molecules are smaller than acidic ones and the body absorbs alkaline water more efficiently. Perfect for 6-stage RO systems.
  • IMPROVES PURITY & TASTE - Filter adds minerals for improved water odor and taste. 1,500-gallon or 6-month filter life.
  • FILTER MEDIA - This filter contains three unique media layers. Cororsex Magnesium Oxide corrects corrosive red water by neutralizing free carbon dioxide in water. Calcite neutralizes acidity and corrosion by slowly dissolving calcium into low-PH water. Mineral ceramic balls supplement minerals and eliminate peculiar odors.
  • EASY INSTALLATION - Quick connect fitting provides a fast, make-or-break connection for water lines. Operated by hand with no tools needed, quick connect fittings replace threaded or flanged connections, which require additional tools.
  • RAISES PH & MINERALIZES - This filter media is designed to raise PH and remineralize water. The filter adds calcium, magnesium, potassium, and other essential minerals to drinking water. Alkaline water molecules are smaller than acidic ones and the body absorbs alkaline water more efficiently. Perfect for 6-stage RO systems.
  • IMPROVES PURITY & TASTE - Filter adds minerals for improved water odor and taste. 1,500-gallon or 6-month filter life.
  • FILTER MEDIA - This filter contains three unique media layers. Cororsex Magnesium Oxide corrects corrosive red water by neutralizing free carbon dioxide in water. Calcite neutralizes acidity and corrosion by slowly dissolving calcium into low-PH water. Mineral ceramic balls supplement minerals and eliminate peculiar odors.
  • EASY INSTALLATION - Quick connect fitting provides a fast, make-or-break connection for water lines. Operated by hand with no tools needed, quick connect fittings replace threaded or flanged connections, which require additional tools.
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